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According to my Women’s Weekly 5/2 diet book I can eat things like the dish below for my dinner on my fasting days, but it’s really difficult to do anything very clever when it’s just you and you can’t have many calories. So I tend to be very lazy and just have scrambled eggs, with a banana or yoghurt for lunch. And when you are trying not to think too much about food - because you can’t have any - it’s also very difficult to think of anything to write about. So this is very brief.

It’s hard in the winter - feel hungrier - particularly when you’ve just had a holiday in Italy.

It’s a depressing kind of day and my blood pressure was really high.

What am I going to eat for dinner - maybe a stir fry of veggies. I doubt that ham is a good meat to have - but will look the calories up.

Postnote - i did have a veggie stir fry with a tiny bit of ham, some chilli and soy sauce. I think the soy sauce was a mistake. But I could certainly try it again.

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