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Blossom promises good things to come

I didn't get to do a post yesterday - my son is moving house and it's all hands on deck. And this won't be much of a post either because the move is still going on.

Today I had to go and buy extra supplies for another big family meal and on the way back I noticed all the beautiful blossom that has suddenly appeared. It had rained in the morning and the sun was now shining, so everything was fresh and crisp. And then there was all of this blossom. Wattles - well that's been around for a while although there are always new ones coming into bloom. And some of the brightest yellow ones have just come into flower. And yes, there will be a harvest of seeds, but we white Australians have not yet really mastered what to do with them.

Flowering cherry - well that also has been around for a bit - the red blossoms that actually are just flowers - there is no fruit, but now all the wild plums are flowering - not so much on our block but higher up on the main roads. There is a veritable haze of pink and white blossom around. It's a promise of nature's bounty later in the year. Little plums of all sorts of colours to make into delicious jam. I look forward to it.

The paintings by the way are by Van Gogh and are of peach trees.

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