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Are apples or scrambled eggs less fattening?


I seem to have reached a plateau in my dieting program. I started just over a year ago I think at around 74 kg in weight (yes it's too much) and over the year on my 5/2 regime I steadily and slowly lost weight down to 64kg. This in spite of a period 'off' when we went on holiday to Italy and France. I did put on a little bit there, but quickly took it off again.

It has been a very rewarding process. I found it easy not to eat much two days a week. I would have nothing but coffee for breakfast, a small low-fat yoghurt or a banana for lunch and a scrambled egg and tomato, or something similar - some cold chicken perhaps - for dinner. The weight came off slowly - but steadily. Which was good. Not sure I've lost many inches though.

I should say, before I go on, that I weigh myself in the morning after a fasting day before my shower.

However, since I got to 64kg it has become much harder. I didn't seem to be progressing much at all - indeed on some days I put on weight! And so I tried being even more severe with myself - allowing myself only a slice of apple, or a whole apple (as last night) for dinner. As you can imagine this is not a very joyful experience. Although when one is losing weight it's OK - the sacrifice is worthwhile. When however, like today, you find you have put on .3 of a kilo after having nothing to eat but an apple and a small low-fat yoghurt, the day before, it's a bit disheartening.

I truly do not think I have been eating more in between - I have always just eaten as normal on my 'eating days'. Maybe I haven't done as much exercise this past week - the weather has been miserable and we have been very busy doing other things. And I know it's only .3 of a kilo but it's depressing. The last time I weighed myself I had got down to 63kg and was looking forward to dropping below this magic milestone that it had taken me so long to get to. I'm aiming for 60 kg by the way.

So the question is - does an apple have more calories than a scrambled egg? No it doesn't!! An apple has 52 calories per 100g and a scrambled egg has 148. So what am I doing wrong?

Maybe it's really all in the exercise and I should do more. Not today though. We are going out for an indulgent lunch. I have to say though, that if I don't get below 63kg soon I shall be giving up!

"sooner or later, everyone’s diet stops working"

I just found this encouraging piece of wisdom in an article entitled Why do diets stop working? According to the author - Dr. Arya Sharma, chair for obesity research and management at the University of Alberta - your body eventually adapts to your new weight and copes with having less calories - it doesn't need to consume those extra ones you have stored as fat. You have three choices it seems - eat even less (don't think I shall do that, besides which it's potentially dangerous), do more exercise (maybe) or accept. All in all I think I'll try the second option and then if that doesn't work I'll go for option 3. So maybe I shall walk into Eltham and back again as well tomorrow. Not today.



The next time I was fasting, I was so fed up with not losing weight, that I had a scrambled egg for dinner, cooked in a little butter, with some tomatoes and accompanied by a glass of white wine. (I never have wine on fasting days) And lo and behold the next morning I was down to 62.5 kg! Go figure.

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