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Will there be enough room in the oven(s)?

I'm getting nervous about whether I shall have enough room in my two standard sized ovens for my two extra large turkeys. My oven looks much like the one above and that certainly looks big enough - but I'm betting that's a chicken not a turkey and that they are not cooking potatoes for sixteen people - sixteen people of whom at least half are potato addicts.

So I'm panicking a bit inside. I had a look for tips and tricks but all I found was advice to cook the potatoes ahead of time. What good is that I ask? You've still got to heat them up and anyway I don't think reheated roast potatoes taste very nice at all.

So I'm just crossing my fingers and hoping I will be able to either fit them around the turkeys or else fit another shelf in above the turkey.

Here's hoping. I wonder how many other people are going through the same thing.

POSTSCRIPT - Yes there was enough room for a turkey surrounded by potatoes in both ovens - and I could have fitted in another shelf too. Well done AEG. Now what to do with all the leftover turkey and potatoes?!

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