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What's in a name?

I need a new name for this blog and I need help to find it.

Why do I need a new name? Well for the life of this blog I have been using the wonderful software created by Wix and I have so far been using their free version. I am beginning to feel somewhat guilty about this - there are pages and pages now existing on this site and they don't seem to be saying "No more". Of course it's nice to have something for free, but if somebody is working really hard at creating something - Wix in this case - then surely they should be rewarded. And as an aside - every time I use Wikipedia or The Guardian I feel the same sense of guilt - and these latter two ask for your support too. And really there should be a bit of self-interest there as well because if they don't get the support they need then they will go out of business. You would think.

The other reason for upgrading to one of the paid Wix options, which are not expensive, is that currently I am just using the domain name they gave me which is not very memorable - The last bit is technically the name of my site. R on food it's supposed to be but of course it just looks like Ron food - which doesn't mean anything. Well I was trying to think quickly of something short. And what I finally ended up putting on my title page - Rosemary's ramblings - is not much better. So I would like to have my own personalised domain name (something memorable like - which is taken I believe - - bet that's taken too) that I can tell people and they will remember, which also conveys what the site is.

I went for my walk this morning and was thinking about this problem most of the way. And I still haven't found a solution. I do have some vague ideas though.

One that sort of appealed but which, if I'm honest, really is a bit too long is 'Food, the universe and everything'. A mild variation of the title of Douglas Adams' marvellous book - and when I typed my version into Google Images - lo and behold up popped this wonderful picture of a version of his book with this cover. Isn't it great? I got quite excited - but then further down - guess what I found? Yes a blog called Food, the Universe and Everything! It's an Australian site too - though in a foreign language that looks Eastern European, so I don't really know what it's about - food of course, judging from the pictures, but I'm not quite sure what the focus is. There is never, never, never anything new in the world and it is just not possible to have an original thought. Which is very depressing.

And Rosemary's Ramblings is the name of a book as well so I can't use that. It's pathetic anyway.

I have also tried to think of something snappy using words like crumbs, morsels, bites, nuggets - but so far nothing in that direction. So to my few faithful followers a plea - any ideas?

Rose - something else you could play with is also not really an option. I have never been called Rose much - an old boyfriend many, many years ago, a few Australian friends but it's not really how I think of myself. And Rosemary, whilst having all sorts of foodie associations is not really very snappy is it?

I guess the name should have some kind of foodie vibe, maybe a personal one too (Rosemary), but that's not essential and also the notion of randomness and the ephemeral I think. I'm keeping the picture on the title page by the way.

Should I care? Should I just keep ronfood. The isn't an actual ronfood as far as I can see but various near misses associated with Ron and food, After all:

"What's in a name? that which we call a rose By any other word would smell as sweet"

Not that I would describe my poor old blog as sweet smelling - metaphorically speaking that is.

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This is a personal website with absolutely no commercial intent and meant for a small audience of family and friends.  I admit I have 'lifted' some images from the web without seeking permission.  If one of them is yours and you would like me to remove it, just send me an email.

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