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Just to share

This is currently my desktop picture. I took the photograph on a trip to Rome two years ago. It comes from one of the outside bits of the Castel d'Angelo of Dan Brown fame. It's just on a wall as you walk around the castle near the top and is easily overlooked. In typical Italian fashion I don't think it said who it was or who did it. I sort of assume it is Roman, but I guess it could also be Renaissance. But so modern in the way the two heads are aligned (there were just the heads and I don't think there were ever any bodies as the wall was too short). Plus the expressions on the faces, and the detail of the hair. Anyway I love it and just wanted to share it.

There is no way to bring food into this, so I just give you this picture to enjoy.

These people lived a long time ago in Rome. They were real people and she seems to be more prominent than him. I wonder why that should be?

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