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What to do with leftover potato salad?

"It was delicious, but, frankly, there is only so much potato salad two people can eat. So, beyond throwing it away or, I don't know, feeding some of it to the dog, what could we do?" Paula Forbes - Epicurious

Me too - well I still had a lot, so what to do with it. Like the Epicurious writer there was really too much to just eat the next day for lunch. Which is what I usually do with leftover potato salad.

I did come up with what I thought was an ingenious solution - potato salad omelette - but I also thought to look today to see what else you can do with it. And there are quite a lot of ideas out there, although I suppose they come down to a basic few with variations.

Back to my omelette. I should have taken a picture, but I was hungry and didn't think about it. It was the easiest thing to do. I just fried up enough potato salad to almost fill my pan until it was browned somewhat, poured in the egg and finished under the grill. It was really pretty good. My husband however, thought there was a bit too much potato and not enough bacon - but then he's not a huge fan of potatoes, and when we have one of my peasanty omelettes there is probably a smaller proportion of potatoes to the other ingredients. Here the potatoes were the main ingredient. And I admit the egg white from the hard-boiled eggs wasn't too great either. So I guess if you were to make a really perfect leftover potato salad omelette you should hold back a bit on the quantity of potato and add a few other things - whatever takes your fancy. And maybe take out those solid bits of egg white.

And back to the lady writing on the Epicurious website. She just basically tossed it in the oven and roasted them for about half an hour. They do look good. Mind you she obviously had kept her potatoes whole or at least in larger chunks than mine. Mind you she had a mayonnaise potato salad, but I reckon it would work for a vinaigrette one too. Maybe add some cheese to absorb some of the liquid? I have to say that roasting said leftovers seemed to be the most popular idea out there. Mind you there's only so many roast potatoes you can eat too. Or frying them up would be much the same. Combine with leftover cole slaw if you have some and you have a kind of bubble and squeak.

Next idea is pancakes. The idea here is to mash up your leftover salad, coat in parmesan (well in the recipe shown on the left) and cook 'gingerly' they said, in a frying pan. Another recipe for pancakes that I saw mashed them and then made them into more of a batter with liquid and eggs, another one added egg to bind them together, which I guess would make them halfway between the liquid batter and the mashed salad.

A similar idea is potato patties. Indeed it's almost the same thing really. Depends how you define a pancake. These are just a bit thicker.

And whilst we're on mashing it all up I wonder if you could make gnocchi? Or add some fish and make fishcakes?

Then somebody suggested whizzing it all up with some stock, heating it and serving it as soup. Not sure about that.

A gratin? Layer it with something else and bake - tomatoes, cream, cheese ...

Or just eat it. Throw another party!

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